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20/08 - 10/09


Music and Movement

SCMF Youth Chapter

1.9.2023 (Fri), 9am | By Invitation Only 仅限受邀
SCH Exhibition Hall 新加坡大会堂展览厅

Note: This talk is not open to members of the public.


Music has a way of capturing the imagination and getting people excited and interested in new things. A powerful form of self-expression that requires a high degree of mastery and learning, music and movement activities are a great way to help students learn and develop their motor skills; and are a great way to introduce the concept of creativity through music. Join Derek Koh in this thoroughly designed rhythmic challenge using body percussion to build creativity, rhythmic confidence, and ensembleship.

4.《Music and Movement 音乐与肢体律动》华乐总会YC_主讲人Keynote Speaker_许文俊Derek Koh.JPG

许文俊 Derek Koh


Touted as one of the most promising musicians of his generation, (The Straits Time Singapore), percussionist Derek Koh’s sensitive musical voice and varied musical ventures have afforded him the opportunity to perform extensively in the United States, Europe and Asia.


Derek joined the Singapore Chinese Orchestra as Section Percussion in 2022. He most recently performed with the Berlin Philharmonic new music ensemble ZeMU! Ensemble at the Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA) 2022, and is a regular sub with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra.


Derek chairs the Singapore Chinese Music Federation Youth Chapter, is Secretary-General at the Percussion Association of Singapore and Adjunct Faculty at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts and the Singapore Armed Forces Band.

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